Week 6: Learning Bootstrap; Exam #1

This update will be short and sweet, but feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our plans. Here’s a quick overview of how we’ll spend our time in class next week:

  • On Monday, I will be away from campus at a professional conference, but I encourage you to use our class time to help each other prepare for the first exam. Take some time this weekend to review and summarize the chapter you claimed in our shared Google Doc, then come to class on Monday ready to quiz your classmates on that material. (Putting your chapter summaries in our shared Google folder would be helpful, too!) In addition, please complete two short homework assignments to help you get started on Unit #2:
    • Read through the Bootstrap website, especially the “Getting started” and “CSS” sections.
    • Using the Bootstrap Starter Files I compiled, try to recreate the structure (not the styling) of the Unit #2 assignment description using elements from the
      “components.html” page. At minimum, your page should have a horizontal navigation menu, a main content area, and a sidebar. (You can “view source” on the Unit #2 page and copy the raw HTML for the content area and the sidebar directly into your Bootstrap file. It might be easier to create the navigation menu from scratch using one of the Bootstrap components.) Be ready to show me your finished page at the beginning of class on Wednesday.
  • On Wednesday we will have the first exam of the semester. Please arrive ready to spend the entire class period on the exam, which will consist of three sections: multiple choice questions, short responses (definitions and mini-essays), and a markup exercise. Everything we have covered during the first five weeks of class is fair game for the exam, so please review your notes, reread textbook chapters, and form study groups with your classmates to ensure that you are prepared.

I won’t be back on campus until Wednesday morning, but if you need to reach me, I’ll be checking my email while I’m away.